The service is available on the following smartphones and PCs with Internet service.
Feature phones (Galapagos) cannot be used.
About Browsers
iOS 11 or later
Android 7 or later
Latest version of Chrome
Windows 7/8.1/10
Chrome latest version, Firefox latest version, Microsoft Edge latest version
Mac OS High Sierra or later
Safari latest version, Chrome latest version, Firefox latest version
Please set JavaScript, Cookie, CSS, and TLS to “Enable” in your browser.
Please check the settings of your OS, browser, and security software.
For smartphones, please use Chrome for Android and Safari for iPhone.
Please note that pages may not display properly if you use other applications than those listed above, such as the Yahoo!
We do not guarantee that the site will work on all devices, even in the above environments.
We also do not guarantee operation under unstable communication environment.