We will reply to you within 3 business days (within 3 days excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and summer holidays).
If you do not receive a reply after waiting more than 3 business days, please contact us again from a different e-mail address.
*Replies to your inquiry will be sent from “@mail.hikaruutada-tour-official.com”.
If you send your inquiry by free e-mail address (gmail, yahoo, icloud, hotmail, live, outlook, etc.), the reply e-mail may not reach your inbox.
Please check your junk mail folder, deleted folder, or other folders if you do not receive a reply e-mail in your inbox.
■If you are using the “@icloud.com” address, even if it is sorted into the spam folder, it will not be received automatically. Please tap the spam folder and confirm receipt.
*Please contact us well in advance for details regarding order operations. Please note that inquiries received the day before or on the day of the order deadline may not receive a reply in time.
We will read all e-mails with comments, requests, and feedback, and use them as reference for future operations. Please note that we do not reply to any of them.