If your registered e-mail address is incorrect, or if you have set up a domain name to receive e-mails from us, you will not receive any e-mails from us.
If your registered e-mail address is incorrect, please try logging in with the correct e-mail address.
Please try logging in with the correct email address, and if you cannot log in, you have registered with an incorrect email address.
Please register again with the correct email address.
If you have set up a domain name to receive emails from “”, please try logging in with the correct email address.
Please make sure that you have set up your e-mail address to receive e-mails from “noreply@mail.hikaruutada-tour-official.com”.
If you do not receive the “Membership Registration Completed” e-mail, it is likely that your settings are such that you cannot receive “e-mails sent from the system”, “e-mails containing URLs”, or “automatic e-mails”. Please check your settings.
We cannot resend e-mails.
If you have logged in with the correct e-mail address, your registration is complete. Please check your email settings and continue shopping.